Thursday, May 13, 2010

There is a Monetize option for my blog

I started this blog many years ago for a reason which I do not remember.  I have recently found it again and I have also found a new tab on the website.  This new "Monetize" button intrigues me.  Is it possible for me to anonymously announce to the world via the Internet what I have been doing in my little part of the world and somehow get paid when someone clicks on the ads on the page?  At first thought, it is foreign to me that advertisers will use such ads to entice potential consumers towards their products.  We generally see these ads as annoying but I guess these advertisers seem to believe, probably with justified confidence that if they can get someone to read their ad, they are that much closer to being vacuumed into to purchasing something.  Well, money is certainly a vice for many and making money is a goal for many.  And so, if this is monetizing...then, I might as well drop the ticket to get on this bandwagon.  Cheers.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I'm new at this blogging thing. I 'm not sure what I think about it. I wonder if my life is that interesting to anyone. It could very well be that my life, as uninteresting it may seem to me, may be interesting to another. I wonder where we find the time to invest in reading other people's journals and yet I find myself curiously and somewhat vicariously experiencing the same laughs and pains that are shared in these "blogs". It is amazing how many other people actually feel the same way we do. And, as we continue to share our thoughts, our once unique but suddenly discovered shared feelings on life; our precious held identity and individuality is exposed. This nakedness is somewhat liberating. Oh well... we can say what we want and well... with the number of people accessing the internet, it's almost certain that someone will read this.